The ring road @ Bangalore.The two horses (Blue HONDA Unicorn with Tamil Nadu Registration and Red HONDA Unicorn with Karnatak Registration)that I ride have criss-crossed this racy stretch of road close to infinity number of times. That is my race course, my official Formula 1 track, where I touch 100 and stay on even in the couple of 'S' bends till it reaches Domlur.
I was wanting to overtake PULSARS and other 150 CC Category bikes with these UNICORNS and I can hardly recall a day that I had lost to any bike hailing from this category.......boy, I can't forget the way a KARIZMA overtook me on a rainy day, when I was still in my 100KMPH+...............can be forgiven,coz a 223CC Arabian Horse is too much for a Pony.
This day came.The vehicles arrayed in the front were these-2 Pulsar 150s, an APACHE,Pulsar 180 and RX 135(still my favorite)My steed was a shade 2 rows behind in that cluster.The threshold of Ring Road was inviting.I wanted to steer clear of the barriers before me and then overtake the obove mentioned steeds.
The GREEN signal.The riders weren't in their racing mold, save the Black Pulsar 150 with alloys and that famed RX135. They were the quickest off the block.Apache started to pick speed, like a giant who woke up from slumber. Oh my, I had 2 just view these racing bikes from behind an auto rickshaw and a WagonR.
My mind said-"This is the D Day-chug along" Unicorn's ears had a full twist and lo and behold I was off the congested conglomeration of slow moving vehicles. In the 80s and I saw the Pulsar 150 and RX135 neck to neck, Apache running close behind. That third gear persists and the 'S' turn-Apache slows and am up in the 100KMPH zone-RX 135 prevails over the Pulsar 150
Yippee, time for me! I'm cashing in on the confident curvature that my UNI allows me to take at 110KMPH which the Pulsar and Apache riders fail to!
The RX 135 is still ahead, partially blinding me with the white colour smoke that is spewed out of its silencer.Wow that YAMAHA rider is a freakish one-goes from 5th to fourth to third......... to keep me at bay.........I do likewise and the UNI starts growling harder......to defy all those criticisms that it had carried against its femalish exhaust whisper........ I am too close for the Yamah Rider's comfort and I inch past him and pass on to the 5th gear.
Uh, that was a close call.Had we scraped each other's crash guards that are protruding just after the front wheels, we would have gone crumbling into the channel bridge that is in the ring road. I was only to happy to wave at him quite amiably coz he had let me go.
What should I say......Unicorn is the winner or that the rider who takes the most risk can ride anything to victory.
Whatever it is.......I love the UNICORN for its butter smooth operation which doesn't let me know the RPM of the engine through vibrations.Its like running a hot knife through the butter and I love this pleasure that HONDA Unicorn provides.